Live Stream Livestock
Bauhaus Media Extends the Reach of the SA Rodeo Association
Imagine you’re on a Zoom call… except with 4,000 people. And imagine you need high definition video, crystal clear audio, expert lighting, a backdrop, a fail-safe system… and you need a 30-second delay on each transmission (but toggling to live for discussion)… And you want it available both live and on-demand, which is recorded then uploaded to your video library.

This is exactly the scenario Bauhaus Media is managing for the San Antonio Livestock and Rodeo Association Board. The need was brought on, obviously, by the Covid 19 pandemic, which made it impossible to hold in-person meetings. But it turns out live streaming has also facilitated and enhanced participation in the Board’s business because their membership used to have to travel half the width of Texas to attend. Now they just turn on their computer.
Live streaming isn’t a new idea. You participate in it every time you watch a movie on Netflix. But the technology is not reserved for the entertainment industry. With the social distancing requirements brought on by the pandemic many businesses, churches, organizations, cultural groups, civic groups… anyone who normally does business in-person, in groups began experimenting with live streaming. And many have successfully figured out how to do a “good enough” job for basic communications.
But sometimes higher standards, high-definition, state-of-the-art equipment and expert personnel are needed for more complex meetings and to produce a higher quality product. That’s when Bauhaus Media, with its 30 years of experience and expert staff of writers, editors, videographers, producers and other specialists comes into play.
Sure there’s a cost. But often the benefits outweigh the costs. In the case of the San Antonio Livestock and Rodeo Association, one benefit is that 4,000 people don’t have to drive to San Antonio from places as far away as Corpus Christi, Brownsville, Laredo, El Paso… Nor do they have to take a day or two off work to attend each meeting. Further, the meetings are more accessible for older people, mobility impaired people, busy people, educators, and people with a simple time conflict.
And, because of that, participation in the board business is greater, which translates to a higher level of interest, engagement, and participation. This is critical for an organization that depends on over 6,000 volunteers, generous donor support, and the participation of thousands of professional athletes and student animal husbandry organizations.
This already immensely successful organization, with roots in Texas’s historic past, may have found the key to its future and its next big growth opportunity in the inclusiveness of live streaming technology.