Shooting Mister Cooler
Early Summer Weather Helps with “Cooler” Shoot
It was fun in the sun at multiple outdoor venues Saturday, as the Bauhaus crew finally enjoyed conditions suitable to shoot a video for an outdoor cooling product. Developer Benny Sorola has been working with BMG since last fall to develop Kickstarter and social media campaigns to promote his remarkable product.

But, it turned out winter wasn’t the best time to film for Mister Cooler. And worse, when the Big Freeze hit in February, it killed every bit of foliage on the landscape. We decided to wait until the green came back to the grass and shrubbery, and the trees began to put on new leaves. Turned out Saturday, April 10, provided near-ideal conditions.

We wanted to show the versatility of the misting device in several outdoor locations. Ultimately, we came up with the back patio of a private home, the banks of Woodlawn Lake, and a Little League baseball tournament at McAllister Park.

The morning began at the home of Justin and Janelle Reed, who along with their son Austin, were also featured in the shots as the happy family enjoying the cool mist of Mister Cooler on their patio. The crew then moved to Woodlawn Lake for a scenic shot of the Sorola family, enjoying a picnic under a popup tent.

After lunch, we moved into the BMG studio with spokesman Gary Cooper, who joined Benny on the white-screen set to pitch the benefits and ease of using Mister Cooler. The last shot of the day was at the ballgame, where Benny showed how simply and quickly his device could turn a hot dugout into a comfortable area to chill.

The result of this will be a 2 ½-minute video for the Mister Cooler website and Kickstarter campaign, which should be available shortly. The project is currently in edit, while the website is under redesign and the Kickstarter page is being developed by Arron Diaz, as part of the Bauhaus team. A May launch seems realistic, and we think a lot of people are going to want their own Mister Cooler.