Social Media Campaign Shot at Bauhaus
Video is Key to Social Media Marketing
What we love about the business is working with other creative people. And sometimes it’s not even our own production, as when someone else rents our studios. This happened recently when Vkng TV (pronounced Viking TV) rented our studio for a social media campaign they are doing with Vision Works and social media influencers.

Social media is more and more the way to go in marketing, especially when targeting younger audiences. And video is central to every platform from Facebook to Instagram to Tik Tok to Snapchat to Pinterest, and especially for video YouTube. Social media influencers, like Stephanie Guerra, get paid by a variety of commercial, cultural and government entities to promote products, events and even ideas to their followers.

How do you get to be an influencer? “It’s a lot of hard work, every day,” Stephanie said. “You have to be funny and come up with something clever every day.” It’s a fulltime job and her only job, with clients such as H-E-B Grocery and the City of San Antonio. You can find examples of her work at Puro Pinche.

On this occasion, Stephanie was working with Jonathon Rameriz, the social media manager for VisionWorks. They were, of course, selling glasses. The crew of Vkng TV spent the entire morning getting the set just right with backdrops and lighting, while Jonathon and his assistant spent the time prepping and trying out wardrobe for the talent. A coral dress was chosen to standout against the rich blue background.

After the daylong shoot, Vkng TV producers Dustin and Angelique Jacobson and editors will put the campaign into square, vertical and YouTube formats for the campaign, which Jonathon will manage through what he says are his busiest seasons, the fourth and first quarter of the year, coinciding with the end and the beginning of people’s vision insurance plans.